In partnership with the Florida College System Foundation, with the generous support from the Helios Education Foundation, the Florida Student Success Center (Center) is pleased to announce a grant opportunity to incentivize enrollment of recent high school graduates for fall 2021. The public health crisis caused by the spread of the COVID-19 virus has disrupted high school graduates’ enrollment in the Florida College System (FCS). While the changes in the economy and job markets may promote future enrollment at the state’s community colleges, there is an immediate need to promote educational opportunities at FCS institutions, particularly for students who intend to earn an associate degree to transfer to a four-year institution or gain entry into employment.
Informational Webinar
The center hosted a webinar on Monday, May 3, 2021, to review key components of the Now. Not Tomorrow. campaign.
Click here to view the PPT slides
Click here to view the webinar recording
From fall 2019 to fall 2020, the FCS experienced a 16 percent decline in fall headcount enrollments. In that same time period, the FCS saw a 25 percent decline in enrollment of first-time-in-college (FTIC) students—from 66,430 to 49,897. This drop is disproportionate when compared to other student populations. There is an urgent and growing need for institutions, in partnership with school districts, to ramp up their recruitment efforts and incentivize recent and near high school graduates to enroll in Associate in Arts (A.A.) and Associate in Science (A.S.) programs, which experienced a decline in enrollments of 16 percent and 9 percent, respectively. The A.A., in particular, is critical to many students who seek to enter the State University System through Florida’s 2+2 transfer process and complete their baccalaureate degree.
Now. Not Tomorrow. is phase 2 of a two-phase enrollment campaign targeting recent high school graduates. Phase 1, the Fast Track Enroll Now Scholarship Program, provides funding to FCS institutions to support student scholarships to incentive enrollment during the 2021 summer term. This second phase provides additional scholarship funding to incentivize fall 2021 enrollment as well as to support promotion and engagement activities related scholarship opportunity. The Florida College Access Network (FCAN) and Local College Access Networks (LCANs) are partners in this project and will promote the opportunity through their engagement channels.
Project Summary
Proposal Submission Deadline
May 19, 2021
Eligible Applicants
All 28 FCS institutions are eligible to apply.
Funding Amount
The amount of funds awarded to the college will be prorated based on the population of high school seniors in the college service area, educational attainment rate, and presence of a local college access network. On April 28, 2021, Foundation Directors will be notified of the maximum amount of funding an institution may request in its proposal budget.
In the future, the Center may make additional awards to funded proposals using unclaimed funds.
Funding Purpose
The intent of this program is to:
Increase the number of 2020 high school graduates enrolling in Florida College System associate degree programs.
Increase the number of 2021 high school graduates enrolling in Florida College System associate degree programs.
Use of Funds
Colleges will expend funds on financial incentives to cover student tuition and fees and other costs of attendance as determined by the college. Outreach and engagement efforts may also be included.
Target Population
This award is limited to first-time-in-college 2020 and 2021 high school completers in Florida who are pursuing an AA or AS degree in fall 2021.
Budget/Performance Period
June 11, 2021 - December 31, 2021.
Match Requirement
Funds expended on student scholarships/financial incentives must be matched dollar for dollar by a private donor or through public funds.
Collateral Toolkit
The Center will provide a collateral toolkit for colleges to use promote the opportunity. The toolkit will include collateral items with messaging targeted to both students and parents, including logo files, ready-made social media posts, email copy and assets, and templates for print materials. These items will be customizable so that colleges can tailor them to align with local messaging and outreach activities while maintaining a consistent brand for the initiative across the state.
April 28, 2021
RFP issued to colleges
May 3, 2021, 10 a.m. EDT
May 19, 2021
Deadline for submitting proposals
June 11, 2021
Grants announced and collateral toolkit disseminated
Upon submission of countersigned agreement
Grantee will receive funding in one installment
December 31, 2021
Grant period ends
February 15, 2022
Grantee submits final report
By February 15, 2022, each institution will be required to submit a final report. The Center will provide the report template. The report will include the following:
Institution’s grant amount
Total amount of funds expended
Summary of student financial incentive
Summary of outreach campaign efforts
Demographic data on each award recipient
Student’s name
Student’s email address
High school graduation year (2020 or 2021)
Race and ethnicity
County of permanent residence in Florida
Pell eligibility status
Full-time/part-time enrollment status
Program of enrollment (A.A. or A.S.)
FTIC status